Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

Your voice makes my ears bleed.
You're so dumb you should pick up a book and read.
Walking around like you're a "G",
But really you just wish you were me.

When I see you it gives me a fright,
because that headband is on way too tight.
You're always freaking out about your hair
 but don't worry its always awful and gives me a scare.

People say your nice.
And i'm sure you thing that too.
But you are a jerk.
Image result for fire emoji

Spring Break Poem

Paddle boarding on the wide open sea.
My sisters behind me with big smiles.
Mexico is always the place to be!
The first adventure is fun for miles.

Resting in the sun vacation is fun.
Swimming in the sea I was feeling great.
Everyone is there soaking up the sun.
With all my friends away from the hate.

Running fast under the bright stars at night.
Seafood for dinner we all eat a lot!
Searching for jellyfish gives me a fright.
This is the best week of my life I thought.

I was missing home and my good good friend.
Even though it was fun I was missing home.
I wrote her a letter that I would send.
I would soon be home to see my lawn gnome.
Image result for las palomas rocky point

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

An Unexpected Journey

The everyday commotion of downtown New York trapped all the busy people trying to get to work.  Cars buzzed by and horns blared as people shuffled their way around. Carol, a reporter in the busy city was still stuck in her morning daze. Her knee high boots and long coat kept her warm in the colder months. Journalism requires a lot of walking around and was really an independent job. Both skills that Carol possessed.  By the time that Carol sat down at her desk and let out a sigh of relief due the chaos of morning rush, her computer already dinged with four new emails. No time to rest. “Ding, Ding.” Carol pulled off her coat and took a sip of her coffee while opening up her email. The first three were regular thing, buy our product mail, comments on her last article, and the regular happy Monday mail from her boss. The fourth email was the one that caught her eye.  An email from her boss with the subject line, “You’re going to Cairo!”

Plane rides weren't Carol's favorite thing. She didn’t like how tight everyone was packed in this little box with wings. Babies wailing and it was almost like their mothers couldn’t even hear them. Every once in awhile Carol would make eye contact with one of the screaming babies moms hoping that they would get the message and quiet down their baby, but the mothers just exchanged looks and went back to what they were doing. The fact that her ears wouldn’t pop was also a great struggle. This would be the longest 10 hours and 20 minutes Carol endured. The touchdown couldn't have come any sooner. Egypt wasn’t what Carol expected. Vast open deserts and towering pyramids were nowhere to be seen. In their place there were skyscrapers and cars and it looked just like a normal city. This was not what Carol's article was going to be about though. Carol jumped on the next tour bus and headed out to find those vast deserts and towering pyramids.

Dust rose inside the tour bus and dug its way into every place it could. Carol was once again in her own little world trying to come up with the lead to her story when she was interrupted by a strange man.
“Pretty dusty here isn’t it?”
“Uh, we are in the desert,” replied Carol trying to shake this stranger and move on.
“My names Floyd.” He said with a smile that stretched from ear to ear and an outstretched hand.
Carol slipped back into her daze and did her best to ignore Floyd. When the bus had arrived at the first stop it was the great pyramids. The sun was scorching and the sand felt like the hot summer sidewalk. As they neared the entrance to the first pyramid Floyd jogged to catch up to Carol. The tour began and Carol was shocked at the beauty of the pyramids. The scripture on the walls was like nothing they has ever seen before. Carvings that were masterpieces and an endless link to the past. Carol was astonished and needed to see more. When the tour guide and the rest of the group took pictures and asked questions Carol slipped away into another room. The walls were covered in symbols and the wind was howling through the little cracks of the sand blocks.
“It’s not a good idea to stray away from the group by yourself you know.” Floyd said making Carol jump.
“My goodness you scared me.” Carol said, trying to slow her heartbeat.
“Sorry. At least let me look around with you”
“Fine. Just be careful, there are hidden traps everywhe-”
“CHRRRREEEEAAAKKK” A noise creaked out of the floorboards underneath Floyd’s foot.
“You triggered a trap! Head for the door it’s going to close!” The two ran towards the door but were too late as they watched the door seal their fate in.
“I told you to be careful. And you did the opposite.” “Now we’re stuck in this mess because of you.” Carlos face began to get red and her hands in fists.
“I’m sorry I-”
“Just don’t. I will figure out a way to get us out of this”
“Let me help you.”
“Please. You’ve done enough.” Carol glared at Floyd and began pressing on the walls Carol tried everything from yelling for help and nothing seemed to work. Minutes turned into hours what seemed like turned into days. Carol refused to let Floyd help.
“Carol. We can work twice as hard if we work together.” Floyd exclaimed.
“Eh. We can try it.” Carol had her doubts about this. The two worked together and searched the room. The two found a tiny little lever up high on the wall.
“Climb up on my shoulders and grab that lever Carol”
Carol did as Floyd said and together they reached the lever and opened the door.
“Maybe I was a little harsh on the idea of us working together, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I got us trapped.” Floyd countered. The two stayed in touch and explored the world together. Carol returned to the mayhem of New York with her best article yet.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Welcome to my blog! Enjoy your time here on my page!